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You will be contacted by your assigned road instructor and they will schedule with you.  You cannot sign up for a specific instructor.

Road and Testing Instructions

  1. Most Driver Education instructors drive in the mornings, starting between 5:00 and 5:30 AM. 

  2. We can accommodate students who have early morning classes, but please be aware that unless you have an early morning class you are likely to be trained in the early morning hours.

  3. Most instructors also have additional summer jobs and drive in the early morning even during the summer.

  4. Your road test is only good for one year. Please get your license within one year of your road test date in order to avoid having to re-test at the DLD. You CANNOT retest at LP if your test expires.

  5. Road testing is done with a different road instructor. You will be referred to the Lone Peak road tester, Dan Schoonover (, when you have completed your behind the wheel training and observation and they will schedule you for your road test.  

  6. This should be the last thing you do before you get your license. You must have a valid Utah permit in order to drive and test.

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