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Homework Reminders

In addition to reminders in class, I will send out electronic reminders of many homework assignments.  You can choose to receive these reminders by signing up for text reminders using Remind 101 - this is a service through a third party, I cannot see your phone number, you cannot see mine, and you cannot respond to the texts.  Here are the instructions if you chose to recieve text reminders:


Text your class code to 801-623-6483

ASL 2: @terryasl2


You are still responsible to keep track of your assignments and to listen for changes, instructions, due dates, and announcements that may only be made in class.

Fingerspelling Makeup

You make up fingerspelling in one of two ways:


1. Have a friend who is in at least the same level as you spell you a list of 10 words (4 letters long or more) of their choosing from a category they tell you.

     For example, my friend might tell me the category or topic is animals and spell me words like elephant, cheetah, tiger, etc. Then I write them down on my fingerspelling sheet and correct them at the end.

Each of the 10 words is worth 1/2 of a point.


2. You can use the fingerspelling practice tool on our resources page an watch that disembodied hand spell 10 words and write them on your paper. There are some rules with this:

     You have to set the speed set MEDIUM or faster.

     You have to set the number of letters to ANY.

Each of the 10 words is worth 1/2 of a point.


That's how you make it up!

ABC Story Assignment

Your ABC Story assignment instruction sheet and rubric can be found below.  Please use that sheet and rubric as you create your ABC Story.






There are 3 parts: 1) ABC Story recorded and subitted on a flash drive.  Please name the file as follows: ABC Story Last name, First name Class period. 2) The outline for your ABC Story including the meaning of each handshape and the title of your story.  You can include information about your cohesive devices but this is not required. 3) A reflection paper.  Please see the assignment for specifics about this paper.

The due date for all three pieces is: (B day) December 4, 2013 & (A day) December 5, 2013. 

ABC Story Rules

1. Succession Principle - the handshapes used in your story must follow in alphabetic order, from either A to Z or Z to A; and must have some balance to any handshapes that are uses multiple times.

2. Minimal Deviation - each handshape must stay within the acceptable range of adaptation; the handshape can be bent but cannot be broken or manipulated in such a way as to become another handshape.

3. Cohesive Devices - possibly the most important rule of them all!  It is a set of overlaid skills that give the handshapes meaning, depth, and make the story enjoyable.  They include: Use of Space; Role Shifting; Body Movement; Eye Gaze; Pauses; Phrasing; Pace Control; Focus.  It must always be clear who is doing the talking.

4. Storyline - it must have a storyline with an arc: introduction, body, climax, resolution.  It must make sense.


Classifier Story Assignment

Your Classifier Story assignment instruction sheet and rubric will be found below. Eventually. 







Below, you can find the examples shown in class and you can access additional examples at  (This can be found on the Resources page, too.) Your story should be like the free ASL versions and NOT like the word for word versions.

The Very Hungry Caterpillar

Here are links to the videos we watched in class for "The Hungry Caterpillar":


Word for Word:




















Free ASL:



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